Maybe it's because it's spring, the weather is getting nicer outside, I want to be outside b/c it's finally nice and an easy way to do that is to go for a run.
Maybe it's because I have become uber involved in the American Cancer Society DetermiNation group, who are a bunch of HARD CORE runners....we are talking iron mans, several marathons, signed up for several races this year, and so on.
Maybe it's because I really like the way I feel when I'm done, I like the feel that I can now go eat pizza rolls and not feel bad about it, I like that I feel energized, that I sleep better, and the Scott says Im just plain in a better mood.
Anyway you slice it, I have been banking about 12-15 miles a week for the last several weeks.
I have signed up for 2 5K races (which happen to be on the same weekend, Sat/Sun races, thankfully so I can do both), and I am looking to sign up for Soldier Field 10, the North Shore 1/2 marathon, Rock and Roll Chicago Marathon and the Rock and Roll Denver 1/2 marathon....
Call me crazy! but then I remember, when I trained for the marathon, I ran like 7 1/2 marathons for weekend runs.
It's funny the things you forget how much you like when you don't do them...and then you start again and it's like finding an old friend.
So here's to my old friend, running. Thank you for always being there, even when I forget you!
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