Friday, January 1, 2010

"Ring"ing in the new year

New Years Eve...hasn't always been my favorite holiday.  I mean, it's fun and all, but growing up and through college I never really had a boyfriend, so it was pretty much just me kissing the air on new years...wishing and hoping that my knight would come save me at some point in my life.  Enter 2004. The scene- Applebee's in Auburn, Maine.  I met him...and you know what...I knew it then.  I could feel it in my heart that I had met someone special...even if two of his good friends went to Southern Illinois (Creighton's rival).

Many of you know Scott, you know our story, I dont have to share it with you. 

Fast forward 6 years -note- we were not dating for 6 years....just 3.

Last night, we decided to stay in.  It was nice.  The last few years have been either bouncing from party to party or celebrating weddings (Happy Anniversary Dobbers).  So, this year, I decided against driving to weather-plagued Omaha, and stayed in Chicago.

It was great.  We ate pizza rolls, and tatertots with cheese.  We had champaign chilled and popped the bottle at 11pm to say Happy New Year to our East Coast Friends.  Then around 11:30 Scott starts acting WIERD.  He is getting up and sitting down, pacing back and forth in the apartment.  I finally said something like , "sit down, you are driving me crazy".  So, instead of sitting down, he got down on one knee, and asked the question that I wasnt really planning on for another week.    And then he pulled this beautiful ring out from under the couch.

I, of course, said yes...and then we kissed, poured some champaign and rang in 2010!

What I love is that we were doing what we usually do...sitting in our pajama's, relaxing, sipping on some wine...just enjoying being with eachother.  It was truly perfect and magical!

Cheers to everyone!  Happy 2010!

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest. What a perfect place and time. I'm so happy for you both!!
