So, yesterday, Scott and I braved the crowds of downtown Chicago, to go get some pictures so E-beth can see the windows.
It appears this year, the windows are decorated looking at letters to Santa. Unfortunatly, I didnt get all the little poems on the windows that described the scene, but I'll make up my own captions:)
It starts with children, far and near
Celebrating in Christmas Cheer
They all write letters to dear Santa Claus
Telling them how good this year, they was....
(good grammer, yes I know..)
Once the letters are written and addressed up north,
Children come to Macy's to send thier letters forth
Here in the window is a scene that we see
right on state street, free advertising, it be....
So from the mailbox, the mail is swept away
To a very special place, to get sorted to stay
Ohhh Santa can't wait to get all the letters
and to see what presents he delivers
Now the letters are placed on a tray
weighed and measured for the special day
who has been naughty, who has been good
Santa will know, it's well understood.
Look, you can read your own caption....
getting a caption, for a window like this
It looks like a robot, is looking and reading
to ensure the kids have completed thier spelling

He is dreaming of all the gift kis will be receiving
He has his list, checks it twice...
He knows who'se been naughty, he knows who'se been nice.
E-beth, Chicago misses you! (we also miss the rest of your clan...Christmas won't be the same without you!!!! Enjoy Colorado, and maybe next year!
Elisabeth says: "THANK YOU!!!!". She loved it! Especially the window with the elf with the giant orange and pink feathered hair/hat.
ReplyDeleteThanks you guys! That was very sweet and made us all happy!