Anyways, we had a wonderful Susui dinner last night, and then came home. I was all about wrapping all the presents....until I put on Love Actually and started cuddling on the couch...3,2,1 asleep.
So today, we wrapped (again, all my presents were already wrapped, have been for about a week)....but we got Scott's done). So welcome to our winter wonderland.....
Our fake greenery hanging on the door...silly radiators almost make it impossible to have live's sad:(
Duel room shot
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....look at all our wrapped presents....we need to do a better job of changing up the wrapping paper!
And here are SOME of the nutcrackers...yes, that's right SOME. I have so many, and I no longer have a fireplace or I am using my bar....classy, right. Also, please note the disporportionate amount of glasses and wine bottles....we have pretty much gone through all of the ones we got from housewarming...I guess we need to have another one of those.
And finally, my cute bell can also see more nutcrackers on the right wall. See the box in the middle, inside that box, there are several little gifts that will be headed out west soon (read, whenever I make it to the post office:))
I hope you enjoy our Christmas decor.