Allright, I'll admit it. I'm a Gleek. I love the show...I love that they get to do AWESOME songs that totally beat the crap we had to do in High School (yes, I was a show choir) and we didnt get to sing "Push It". now, I will admit...that for some reason whenever "Get on Your Feet" by Gloria Estephan comes on the radio, I still do the dance....the whole dance...its a little freaky. I mean, who knows a whole choriographed dance from ...12...years ago...
And also....I do love me some power ballads...you have to love the required step out whenever there is a chord change, or a slow walk across the stage as the bridge commences.
I was very sad the last two week that stupid baseball took over my Wednesday night Glee...I do wish they would actually sing and not fake it on the show. You can tell they are, mostley because most of them are very accomplished broadway singers.
For those of you who have not seen the show, let me inform you of some of my favorite moments:
1. When showchoir director is trying to get more boys, so he recruits the football team...funny, because thats what Reed tried to do as well...she was just not as successful.
2. Also in the football episode, when the players did the Single Ladies dance:)
3. kristin chenoweth- need I say more.
4. The two men fighting over the same girl...in my life, it was the guy who was doing the cheating...but still
So, now that I am reminsing....I have gone ahead and posted some very funny, and enlightening pictures.

Mel all I can say is WOW.